Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Game Design 1

This will be my first Game design blog. I'm writing them here because honestly when ever I try to tell people about it I always get interupted and can never finish. It's an Xbox Live Arcade Game.
Type: Turn based Strategy
Players: 1-4

Base: The game starts out with a Hero customizer. The player is given a blank template and outfits their character from thousands of choices of heads, hair, beards, masks, body types, customes and the like then distribute points according to what they want.
Main Character: The point of this customizer is to allow each person to have their own player thats an individual and represents their characters in the game. With all the choices no two characters should be alike. The customizer is Only offered to the main character, all other characters are restricted to their character types in order to support individuality.

Game start: Once the character is customized they awake inside a danky apartment with nothing but their bed. This apartment serves as a home base between fights. Here he can go outside to what looks like a new york street filled with venders for items and a recruitment office.

Recruitment office: Here is were alot of time will be spent. At the start the character can choose between 1-50 character types. Anywhere from Archeres to mages to Warriors to bikers to gun weilding psycos. They can name each character and adjust stats but base stats and weapons are limited to that type of character. This gives the player smaller window to mess up and create a weak team from the begining and allow those players who want to build an army to later on. In the end there will be around 250 character types each one that looks significally different from the other. They will be split between the good and the evil sides.

Venders: Here you will outfit your main character with armor weapons items and such to help you through a battle. The Main character can use Any weapon in the game without losing any type of damage rating. He is not limited to any character type so any armor is accessable too. The army he builds will be limited to their weapon and armor types. You can't equip a Samurai with steel plate heavy armor. Other than the main character the armor is purely stat's driven. Only on the main character does it change their appearance to further drive the customizing. The down side is armor will have no impact on the hero's stats.

Battle: Once everything is figured out and the Hero's army is assembled he will enter a lobby for battle purposes. Here a level will be randomly created with different terrans and stretegic points. He will also be partnered with who ever challenges him or with someone who's equal to his level. Each player will take a side. If it's 4 players it will be each side of the square. The player will have his hero out front and his army stationed behind him in a pattern he would choose from the Recruitment office. A dice would appear to show who goes first. From this view it looks alot like older style stretagy games like Tatics orge and FF Tacits. You move one character at a time, once that character is moved and his action is choosen the next player gets to move his character. This is to speed up the matchs and reduce the ammount of waiting each player has between turns. Once a player attacks another the ammount of damage he does is dependant on his strength - the defense of the other player + points depending on height and placing. If you're higher than him you get a +3 to damage, if you're behind him you get a +5 to damage. Once a enemy is knocked down they become unconious and can not be revived. On the next turn if your hero gets to the downed player he can send him back to the base. If he can't the next turn of the enemy can cause alot of trouble. This is were the Good and Evil system kicks in. On the next turn the enemy can either leave the dead body lie or he can finish him off. More details on that in the good vs evil section. Once all the characters of the enemy is defeated the round ends and the prize money is awarded. The main characters levels up depending on how his team did and they go back to the main base.

Good Vs Evil: This is were the game will shine. After a enemy is knocked down you can either leave them there or you can kill them. It takes a complete turn and for every kill gives you an evil point. If you leave them there you get 1 good point for every downed body at the end. The good points unlock a certain branch of new characters in the recuritment office while the evil unlocks the evil side. Once a character is killed on the screen they will no longer be avalible. The items they were carrying will be returned to the main character so that they can outfit a replacement. Good characters will have a significally different skill set and outlook than the Evil characters, although it has no big impact on the Main characters apearance other than unlocking new armor, items and equipment for each side.

Army: The main character will only have access to 6 characters on the battlefield but back in the base he can hold as many soldiers as he wants. He will specify which characters he wants to bring out and in what form they will take at the recruitment office. These characters stats can only be increased through Equipment and potions.

Base: The first base will be a apartment in a big city. With money made in the game you can buy different bases like a house in the suburbs, a Small shack on an island, a castle and so on. These are offline bases and can be outfited with items like couchs and stuff won randomly in battle. Each base as a limit on how many soldiers you can employ into your army with the castle having an unlimited ammount.

Hero: This is the character that will be associated with each player. This person will be able to level up to any range and will be an individual among his enemies. During battle if the Hero dies the match continues but the odds of winning drastically decrease. The hero's team that loses their hero will lose any intelligence boost they gain from having the hero on the board and will be more prone to confusion attacks. The only way to win a match is to get rid of all the people.

Betting: At the beginning of every match the player will be allowed to bet on the match. The bet must be matched by the other player before the match can start. After the match is over the money is split up between first, second, third place. Forth or second place for 2 player matchs don't receive any prize money other than money found on the ground or in chests around the map.

Character types:Coming Soon

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